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Joel's Bruised Spey

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I generaly fish this fly on the swing, but I have hooked up dead drifting it. It's a really effective fly when the fish are on the gravel spawning.


  1. Tail : Black hackle fibers
  2. Body : Small blue wire
  3. Thorax : Peacock hearl
  4. Hackle : Long, webby, black w/blue flashabou


  1. Tie in several black hackle fibers in before the bend of the hook, leave them about as long as the shank. Tie in blue wire and wrap forward leaving about 1/4 inch behind the eye for a thorax. First tie in a black hen saddle by the tips, then tie in 4-6 strands of peacock hearl. Form a thorax of the hearl and palmer the hackel forward to the eye. Tie in several strands of blue flashabou accent longer than the hackle.
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